Scotland Reborn

Alex Massie’s recent blog entry for The Spectator has an excellent analysis of the current Labour leadership crisis. Massie quips that “If, as Diderot nearly put it, Scotland cannot be free until the last Labour councillor is strangled with the last copy of the Daily Record then, blimey, on both fronts the country is closer to national liberation than […]

Free George

There’s an elderly woman, usually resident in London but also often to be found travelling around the UK and occasionally further afield, who goes by this mouthful of a title: Her Majesty Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and of Her other Realms […]

More Numbers

There’s a very interesting piece of analysis by “Ian and Charlie” comparing aspects of the three referendums held in Scotland, in 1979, 1997 and 2014. It can be found at this link. I’m not completely convinced by all of the arguments made, particularly because the 2014 referendum was different in a pretty fundamental way from […]